Tuesday 21 June 2016

8 Critical Elements a Website Homepage Must Have

A homepage is one of the most vital page of the website. Because it commonly gets the bulk of site traffic, it's crucial for the homepage to convert as much of that traffic into leads and sales. 

1) Attention Grabbing HEADLINE
Within 3 second, a website needs to answer, "WHAT DOES THIS SITE OFFERS?" Keep your headline title clear and simple to give the visitors clear picture of the same. It should neither be too long nor be too short and should offer a brief about the content. Heading should not be abstract as sometimes it can mislead the visitors.
Your sub-headline should offer a brief description of what you do and offer. Avoid tacky language and messy text. It should provide the complete gist of the content that the user needs to know. Be different and show value. Don't just talk about yourself involve audience also. Also, use “call to action” so that there are more chances of creating a lead on the homepage itself.
It's not only important to describe what you do, but why you do it matters. Prospects want to know about the benefits and advantages. Your potential clients will take a step ahead when they believe that your website also offer them benefits.
4) Clear CALL-to-ACTION
Including multiple call to action (CTA) above the fold is important to driving conversion. Offer two to three CTA (MAX) that map to various stages of the buying cycle. But do remember don't crowd the space with only “call to action”. Manage your space with your content, images and call to action(CTA).
5) Effective FEATURES
In addition to benefits, list some of your key features. This give people more understanding of what's provided by your product and services. This step will help you create a relationshipwith your potential customers by offering product and services along with beneficiaries.
Customer proof, is very powerful indicator of trust, which include just a few of your best QUOTES on the homepage. Adding a name and photo make the testimonials more real. Testimonial are a way to built trust among your potential customers who are in contstant search of reviews and then only they prefer the Website content. It helps you generate a positive reputation in the market.
7) User Friendly NAVIGATION
To decrease bounce rates, your visitors need a clear path into your site from the homepage. Make sure your navigation is visible at the top of the page. And be sure to keep it simple and clear so that it should be easier for the vitiors to locate the category pages, contact pages etc. If navigation links are not placed at proper postition, then the customers are likely to skip to another website shooting up the level of your bounce rate.
To generate even more leads from your homepage, feature a really great content and offer freebies and discounts such as a white paper, ebook or guide. This will make them feel wanted and create a great impression about your services.

Thursday 16 June 2016

Top 8 Reason Why You Should Invest In Mobile SEO

We're in a time when technological advances happen quickly in mobile website design, and new players are constantly being introduced. A mobile website design doesn't just look slick but also allows your site visitors to interact with your company no matter where they are and this will give you more opportunities to generate leads. A mobile website design is vital for capturing the maximum number of visitors and sales conversions for your website. Here are the top 8 reasons why you need to invest in a mobile website design:

1) The Era of Smartphones – Go Live!
More than 80% of all the internet users today are having smartphones stick to their pocket and they are ditching traditional home Internet altogether to rely only on their mobile device. If your site isn't built for mobile, you could be missing a massive portion of your market.

2) Unpleasant Mobile Experience – Your Lost Revenue & Potential Client
People are using their mobile devices more than ever. According to a Google survey, 52% of smartphone users said that an unpleasant mobile experience would make them less likely to engage with a company. 74% of visitors will return to websites that have a mobile-friendly design.

3) High Conversion Rates with Mobile Friendly Websites.
Even if the sale itself doesn't take place on a mobile device, that doesn't mean that isn't where the sales process began. 40% of users who research on a mobile device go on to complete their purchase on a desktop computer.

4) Improvise Google SERP Results
Google SERP now favors websites that have mobile responsive designs. You could be hurting your search engine ranking by not taking the right decision at right time. Responsive website is the need of the hour.

5) Social Media will Work Wonders
A growing majority of people use their phone to follow along with social media. This is a clear message that all the social media advertising needs to convert on mobile devices. If you're using social media to build your brand, your website needs to be built for mobile traffic.

6) Mobile Friendly Local Searches
Mobile sites can have geo-tagging to push notifications to people within your local marketplace as well as improve local search engine results.

7) Mobile Advertising Trends
Mobile advertising is an emerging market that is showing positive results. Mobile web design is relatively new, but it's here to stay. So all the future plans in regards to your Website must be responsive or mobile friendly.

8) Potential Customer Expectations
Customers will often look up products on their mobile device immediately -it's a fact that if people can't find your website in mobile search engine results, they aren’t likely to visit your site at all.

Mobile-friendly design is no longer optional. If your website is falling behind the curve, Picknbuilt can help bring you up to speed. Get in touch with one of our web strategists today and we'll help figure out a solution to design the mobile website your clients deserve. Not only this we are saviours of the tragic times and can lead you to the best position.

Monday 6 June 2016

Top 5 Web Design tips to increase Web Traffic

Web design plays a vital role in how well a website ranks in search results on Google and other search engines. As a result, great Web design can create a dramatic effect on your business and how you make money online.
By implementing a few design improvements that leverage the latest Web technologies like CSS3, responsive Web design for mobile support, HTML5, and more you can derive potentially large gains for very little effort. However, if you are completely allergic to CSS and HTML, then you might want to get in touch with your Web designer and get them to make these design changes.

1. Supersede background images with CSS3 background gradients

Is your website still using background images? Images are large and chew the bandwidth slowing down your website. In almost all cases, background images can be replaced with modern looking, attractive, and lightweight CSS3 gradients. Head over to one of my favorite Web design tools, Ultimate CSS Gradient Generator. This will allow you to create cross-platform CSS using a graphical interface. All you need to do is copy and paste the new CSS code into your own style-sheets, and away you go.

2. Employ Images with text

Does your website use an image to display the site title? Do you use images to display written information? Not only are images large and unwieldy, but they also hide valuable SEO information from Google and other search engines. Using an image as header text is fine for a human, but not for the search engines because they can’t “read” images that contains important SEO keywords and phrases, and you’ll soon notice page rank improvements in the SERP.

3. Implement responsive Web design

Does your website support mobile devices? This is arguably the most important Web design update that all bloggers and businesses will have to do in the near future. Mobile access to the Internet will soon outpace PCs. This makes mobile Web design an imperative. There are several different methods you can use to implement responsive Web design for mobile support.

4. Replace JavaScript with CSS3 transitions

As a general rule, avoid using JavaScript if you can – it can hide important content from search engines, slow down your site, degrade badly, and generally lead to slow the user's browsing experiences.
But, JavaScript has been used to add cool, professional effects to websites for so long that many people don’t even consider what’s out there. It’s a pity because there are pretty amazing, super fast, super lightweight Web designs possible with CSS3 and HTML5.

5. Speed up your Website

Google takes page speed and performance seriously, and so should you. There are three ways you can speed up a Webpage:
  1. Reduce the amount of time it takes to build a page on the server
  2. Reduce the amount of data transferred from the server to the browser
  3. Simplify the DOM (Document Object Model)
1. If you are using a PHP based CMS like WordPress, Drupal, or Joomla you might benefit from installing something like APC (Alternative PHP Cache) on your web-server that can help to speed up the actual PHP processing behind the scenes.
You might also look at ways to simplify your website so that there is less PHP or database queries to process. Caching is an important part of reducing server processing loads, and every website should utilize at least some sort of caching to speed things up.
2. You can reduce the amount of data that needs to be transferred from the server to the browser using a number of techniques like:
  • Compression, or gzipped transfer
  • Reduce images
  • Optimize images
3. Designers love using tools to design Web pages. Unfortunately, many of these tools don’t create HTML in a very efficient way. Often there are unnecessary containers, tables, boxes, etc.
Those are my top design tips to help drive traffic to your business website. What Web design tricks do you use to improve your page rankings and Web traffic? Do you think that Web design has helped your business succeed online?